Regional R&D Training Center for Insect Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University

- Technology transfer, training, and modular mass-rearing laboratory for genetic sexing strains (GSSs) (filter rearing), with up to 3 millions sterile males production capacity
- Facilitate the development and evaluation of GSSs for insect key pests for ASEAN
- Establish a showcase program for AW-IPM-SIT in ASEAN
- Develop official international training courses in insect pest control & AW-IPM-SIT-GSS, at Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
- Develop in direction to become an International Collaborating Center or Cluster
- Host the activities of Regional RAS5067 "Integrating Sterile Insect Technique for Better Cost-Effectiveness of Area-Wide Fruit Fly Pest Management Programmes in Southeast Asia
- Use to teach insect biotechnology and industrial biotechnology classes at Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
Our research group aims to uncover and apply several basic knowledge using skills and tools..
related to Genetics, Biology, Bioinformatics, etc. for supporting effective and sustainable SIT programs.
Our research projects and activities are actively supporting the sustainable development goals (SDGs), including
SDG goal 2: Zero hunger,
SDG goal 3: Good health and well-being,
SDG goal 4: Quality education,
SDG goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, and
SDG goal 17: Partnerships for the goals